Monday, April 29, 2013

Book Report Introduction

PURPOSE: The purpose of the introduction to any essay is to get the reader’s attention creatively and to introduce the main idea of the essay.

There are three sections to an introduction; they need to be linked closely so that each section flows into the next section with a common thread:

A. The OPENER:  It would, of course, be good to begin with an effective attention getter.  The attention getter should be original, specific, accurate, relevant, and useful.

Here are some options:
a definition
an anecdote
a fact/observation/statement
a quotation (from another literary work/notable person)
an allusion
a thought-provoking question

Example Topic: self-sacrifice

A Quotation
Famous American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson once suggested, “Self-sacrifice is the real miracle out of which all the reported miracles grow.” In the novel...

B. The IDENTIFICATION: This part of the intro. links the OPENER to the THESIS (see below) by narrowing the scope of the essay/topic and providing pertinent information to aid in understanding the upcoming THESIS.

Here are some things you must include:
title (in italics!!)

Here are some things you should include:
the issue/topic under discussion
background information for the novel/topic

Example Topic: self-sacrifice

In the novel Les Miserables, Victor Hugo allows many of his characters to sacrifice for other characters. These sacrifices are not small things done to affect the characters’ lives themselves; these sacrifices are made by characters choosing to make life-changing decisions to help others.


1.                 A thesis is NOT the whole essay; a thesis is the main idea, often expressed in a single sentence. 
2.                 A thesis can also be thought of as the main argument of your paper
3.                 A thesis should NOT be a laundry list of your main points
4.                 It should merely set up the topic and give any general information the listener needs to know. 
5.                 Every topic paragraph should clearly support your thesis – create strong links that return to what you are explaining throughout your paper.

Example thesis about self-sacrifice.

Victor Hugo illustrates the theme of self-sacrifice to show that everyone should sacrifice for others whether loved ones or strangers

Sample Introduction: 

OPENER in bold
THESIS underlined

"Self-sacrifice is defined by the dictionary as the sacrifice, or giving up, of one’s interests or wants for the good of another. However, it is not just one’s wants or interests that may be sacrificed, but one’s life may be on the line, too. In his marvelous novel Les Misérables, Victor Hugo has several of his characters sacrifice for others. These are not little sacrifices by any means; these sacrifices are life-threatening. These characters who sacrifice themselves for others make incredibly risky decisions, which may be totally life-altering in order to help another. Victor Hugo illustrates the theme of self-sacrifice to show that everyone should sacrifice for others whether loved ones or strangers." 

 (Stacey, Annie 2012) 

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