Thursday, January 31, 2013

BioPoem (don't worry about the model identity map)

Model Identity Map
Mr. Scandrett
Movies:  Coach Carter, He got game, Hoop dreams, Gandhi, Finding Forrester, Ganjini
Money value: I like spending money on other people more than myself
Who I would be if I could:  President Obama – I’d like to see what it is like to “run a country”
What is the “perfect” Friday night:  Talking to friends and laughing about life.
What/who do I care most about:  my little sister J
Where I’d like to be in 10 years: somewhere on a beach with 5 of my first 15 kids running around. J
Biggest fear:  That I will have “played it safe”
Birth Data: Born in Chicago, IL in 1989
Where I like being/favorite food: in a restaurant eating pho.


Bio Poem
The root word “bio” means life.  A BioPoem is a poetic way of capturing the essence of a person’s character by sandwiching elements of the person’s life between his/her first and last names.  Use this sheet to plan your BioPoem.  Then write the finished poem on a separate sheet with proper heading. 
A BioPoem consists of eleven lines which follow this pattern:
Line 1:  Your first name—
Line 2:  Four one-word traits that describe you:
Line 3: Relative (brother/sister, daughter, etc.) of:
Line 4: Lover of (list three things or people)
Line 5: Who feels (three items)
Line 6: Who needs (three items)
Line 7: Who gives (three items)
Line 8: Who fears (three items)
Line 9: Who aspires to (three items)
Line 10: Who would rather _____________ than __________________ (one item)
Line 11: who lives
Line 12: --your last name
Honest, serious, generous, hard-working,
Sister of Mariam, Janet and Theresa,
Lover of music, comic books, and hot tea,
Who feels joy when singing, loneliness in the dark,
                And nervousness at the hospital,
Who needs friends, walks in the park, and gyros,
Who gives support, encouragement, and good ideas,
Who fears pain, boredom, and rejection,
Who aspires to make an album, take care of her family, and meet
                Michelle Obama.
Who would rather read a book than watch a TV show,
Who lives in an apartment with her two best friends